Maximizing the Potential of Strategic Annual Planning

Bisma and Elsona in Addis Ababa for exclusive training backed by USAID, IMC, and Concern Worldwide! AUGUST/08/ 2023

The training session on strategic annual planning and 5-year strategic plans was conducted by Elsona and Bisma in Addis Ababa. The session aimed to enhance participants’ understanding and skills in developing practical strategic plans for their organizations. The training was a crucial opportunity for attendees to learn about the strategic planning process and its importance to organizational success. Elsona and Bisma, respected experts in strategic planning, shared their knowledge and experiences with the participants. They provided comprehensive insights on various aspects of strategic annual planning, including goal-setting, SWOT analysis, resource allocation, and performance measurement. Moreover, they delved into the intricacies of developing long-term strategic plans that span over five years, emphasizing the significance of aligning organizational objectives with market trends and future prospects. The training sessions were interactive and engaging, incorporating techniques such as case studies, group discussions, and practical exercises. Participants could

apply the newly acquired knowledge through hands-on activities, enabling them to develop a clear understanding of the strategic planning process.

The training concluded with participants gaining a deeper understanding of strategic planning principles and equipping them with the skills necessary to create robust annual and long-term strategic plans for their organizations.

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